My two new buddies moving in |
It has been about a week since my two new roommates have moved in. The one on the left is Otonashi the Money Plant and the one on the right is Iskander the Sunflower. They have taken up residence on window sill so that they can get plenty of light. So far these guys have not been doing much of anything, but who knows what may happen in the next couple of weeks.
Iskander about four days after he started growing. |
So on Thursday this week Iskander started to show some growth. It was
about 9 days since we became roomates that I saw him starting to come
out of his shell, well sorta. Actually his shell is the part that
started sticking out of the soil first, which is why I did not recognize
it until it grew some more. Otonashi still has not shown any movement,
but hopefully one of these days he will open up.
Iskander just growing like a champion...a sideways growing champion |
So the sunflower plant is starting to grow another set of leaves, but there Otonashi is still just being a hermit and refuses to interact with anyone. I think he might be shy.....or dead. I am hoping for the first option.
Iskander has not been in the best of shapes recently |
I think that the Iskander is starting wilt. I thought he has been getting plenty of water and enjoying much time in the light by the window. Are sunflowers supposed to be growing sideways? Well I guess only time will tell if he is going to make it or not. At this rate I will be down to no roommates at no time.
Otonashi a couple of days after he first started to show up. |
The money plant is starting to stop being so shy! It has been growing quite a bit the last few days and is looking pretty healthy. On a less happy note the sunflower is still not looking too well. It is a pale color and the leaves that were on it have wilted away. Hopefully both of them will get big and health soon.
Here lies Iskander, he shall be missed. |
So after leaving the roommates here during spring break I came back to the sunflower plant looking like this. Needless to say it is dead. Surprisingly the money plant looks really good. It has grown a bit more and is still really green. So i may have let one of my roommates die, but at least one is doing well.
Hanging out by himself since the lost of his friend. |
It has been two weeks since spring break and the money plant is still doing well. It is losing a little bit of color, but that is about it. Besides that there is not much to report so far.