Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Perfect Storm

The fearless sword-fishing-boat captain Billy Tyne feeling pressured to bring in a large haul of fish left from Gloucester, Massachusetts with a group of five other men. They head to their normal fishing area, but without any real luck. The captain, refusing to go back to shore without a large catch, decides to head to the Flemish Cap where he believes they will find all the fish they can catch. Once they make it to the cap they begin catching so many fish that they cannot hold any more in the ship. While they are catching all their fish three storms begin to merge together blocking their way back with over forty foot high swells and gale force winds. About the time that the crew fills their boat with fish the ice maker goes out leaving them with two choices: wait out the storm where they are and lose the catch or to brave the storm and make a large sum if they make it back. The crew decides that they will try to make it through the storm and find themselves over their head. The group then decides that they will try to head to safety and live to fish another day and attempt to turn around. They manage to do so, but just when they think that they are in the clear the clouds once again block out the sun and a giant swell tips the boat, killing the whole crew. The family and friends of the crew are left back at home to deal with the loss of the men.

During the events happening with the crew there is a side story about a small boat with three passengers that was caught in the 'perfect' storm. They called for help from the coast guard and were saved by a rescue team. The rescue team were then called in to help the men in the fishing boat, but after failing to get fuel and the helicopter being sunk they ended up having to fight for their lives to make their way onto a coast guard boat. All, but one man from the rescue team made it back to the boat alive.

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