Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Oclmulgee Flood of 1994

In February of 1994 there was a massive flood in Macon that was caused by the city's levee creating a bottleneck for the increasing water of the Olcmulgee river. The excess water would normally spill over into flood lands around the Macon area, but because of the levee being on both sides the water had nowhere to safely go. The water rose to 35.4 feet and caused over $116 million of damage statewide.
The Macon water sanitation plant was flooded and the pipes were clogged with clay. This lead to a new plant needing to be built and left Macon residents without clean water for a number of days. The levee eventually broke and the water was able to flow away from the river. Recent news video here.
One solution to this problem would be to put the road that is supported by the levee on a bridge that would allow water to spill into the area away and reduce the amount of flooding that occurs during periods of lots of rain.

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